martes, octubre 24, 2006


Pronunciación: イチ, イツ, ひと-, ひと.つ

Trazos: 1

Palabras que usan este kanji:

一: いち (num) uno;
一一: いちいち (adv,n) uno por uno; separadamente;
一対一: いったいいち (n) uno a uno;
画一: かくいつ (adj-na,n) uniformidad; estandardización;
均一: きんいつ (adj-na,n) uniformidad; igualdad;
十一: じゅういち (n) 11; once;
随一: ずいいち (n) el mejor; el mas grande; el primero;
世界一: せかいいち (n-adv,n-t) el mejor en el mundo;
択一: たくいつ (n) escogiendo una alternativa;
単一: たんいつ (adj-na,n) único; simple; solitario; individual; unitario;
第一: だいいち (adv,n) primero; # 1;
逐一: ちくいち (adv) uno por uno; en detalle;
統一: とういつ (n,vs) unidad; consolidación; uniformidad; unificación; compatible;
同一: どういつ (adj-na,adj-no,n) identidad; igualdad; similaridad; justo;
二者択一: にしゃたくいつ (n) alternativamente;
日本一: にっぽんいち (n) Lo mejor de Japón; numero uno en Japón;
万 一: まんいち (adv,n) por si acaso; por alguna posibilidad; si por algún acaso; 10.000:1 extraños;万が一: まんがいち (adv,n) si por algún acaso; 10000 a 1;
唯一: ゆいいつ (adv,n) solo; solamente; único;
唯一: ゆいつ (adv,n) solo; solamente; único;
一々: いちいち (adv,n) uno por uno; separadamente;
今一つ: いまひとつ (adv,n) uno más; otro; el otro; casi no;
一つ: ひとつ (n) uno;
一つ一つ: ひとつひとつ (n) uno por uno; separadamente; en detalle;
一まず: ひとまず (adv) for the present; once; in outline;
一握り: ひとにぎり (adj-no,n) handful; small handful;
一位: いちい (n) first place; first rank; unit's position;
一一: いちいち (adv,n) one by one; separately;
一一九番: ひゃくじゅうきゅうばん ambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan);
一員: いちいん (n) person; member;
一因: いちいん (n) cause;
一 円: いちえん (adv,n) whole district; one yen; throughout;一応: いちおう (adv) once; tentatively; in outline; for the time being;一億: いちおく (n) 100,000,000; one hundred million;一家: いっか (n) a house; a home; a family; a household; one's family; one's folks; a style;一過: いっか (n,vs) passing away;一介: いっかい (adj-no,n) mere; only a ..;一回: いっかい (n-adv) once; one time; one time; one round; one game; one bout; one heat; one inning;一回り: ひとまわり (n-adv) one turn; one round;一階: いっかい (n) one floor; first floor;一概に: いちがいに (adv) unconditionally; as a rule;一角: いっかく (n) corner; section; point; one narwhal; apparently;一括: いっかつ (n,vs) all together; batch; one lump; one bundle; summing up;一環: いっかん (n) link;一貫: いっかん (n) (1) consistency; coherence; integration; (2) one kan (8.333 lbs);一丸: いちがん (n) lump; (into) one;一喜一憂: いっきいちゆう (n) now rejoice, now worry; alternate hope and fear; mixed blessings; joys and sorrows;一期: いちご (n) (1) one's life time; lifetime; (2) term; half-year; quarter;一気: いっき (n) (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer);一気に: いっきに (adv) at once; at a breath (stroke, sitting);一騎打ち: いっきうち (n) personal combat;一義: いちぎ (n) (1) reason; principle; meaning; (2) first meaning; first principle; first consideration;第一義: だいいちぎ (n) first principle; original or greatest import;一休み: ひとやすみ (n) rest;一級: いっきゅう (adj-na,n) one grade; first-class; primary;一挙: いっきょ (n-adv,n) one effort; one action;一挙に: いっきょに (adv) at a stroke; with a single swoop;一局: いっきょく (n) one game (checkers, etc.);一曲: いっきょく (n) tune (melody, piece of music);一筋: ひとすき (adj-na,n) a line; earnestly; blindly; straightforwardly;一一九番: ひゃくじゅうきゅうばん ambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan);一隅: いちぐう (n) corner; nook;一軍: いちぐん (n) an army; the whole army; first string players (sports);一月: いちがつ (n-adv) January;十一月: じゅういちがつ (n-adv) November;一件: いっけん (n) matter; item;一見: いっけん (adv,n,vs) (1) look; glimpse; glance; (2) (adv) apparently; seemingly; (3) first meeting;一元: いちげん (adj-no,n) unitary;一元化: いちげんか (n) unification; centralization;一言: いちごん (n) single word;一言: ひとこと (n) single word;一個: いっこ (n) piece; fragment;一戸建て: いっこだて (n) (separate) house;一口: ひとくち (n) mouthful; one word; bite; sip; draft;一向: いっこう (adv) (not) at all;一向に: いっこうに (adv) (not) at all;一校: いっこう (n) whole school; the first proof; one proofreading;一行: いちぎょう (n) line; row; troupe; party;一行: いっこう (n) line; row; troupe; party;一刻: いっこく (adj-na,n-adv,n-t) (1) minute; moment; an instant; (2) stubborn; hot-headed;刻一刻: こくいっこく (adv) moment by moment; hour by hour;刻一刻と: こくいっこくと moment by moment; hour by hour;一国: いっこく (adj-na,n-adv,n-t) whole country; stubborn; hotheaded;一座: いちざ (n) (1) party; those present; troupe; (2) first seat;一昨日: いっさくじつ (n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday;一昨日: おととい (n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday;一昨年: いっさくねん (n-adv,n-t) year before last;一昨年: おととし (n-adv,n-t) year before last;一酸化炭素: いっさんかたんそ (n) carbon monoxide;一字: いちじ (n) letter; character;一時: いちじ (n-adv,n) one hour; short time; once; a time; temporarily; at one time; twelfth part of a day;一時: ひととき (n-adv,n) moment; time;一時期: いちじき (n-adv) a period (of time);一時金: いちじきん (n) lump sum;一時的: いちじてき (adj-na,n) temporary;一式: いっしき (n) complete set; all; everything;一室: いっしつ (n) one room;一手: いって (n) move (in game); method; single-handed; monopoly;一種: いっしゅ (adv,n) species; kind; variety;一首: いっしゅ (n-adv,n-t) poem;一周: いっしゅう (n) once around; a revolution; a lap; a turn; a round; one full year;一周年: いっしゅうねん (n) one full year;一週間: いっしゅうかん (n) one week;一重: ひとえ (n) one layer; single;一瞬: いっしゅん (n-adv,n-t) moment; instant;一緒: いっしょ (adv,n) together; meeting; company;一緒に: いっしょに (adv) together (with); at the same time; in a lump;一助: いちじょ (n) help; assistance;一女: いちじょ (n) daughter; the eldest daughter; woman;一条: いちじょう (n) streak; matter; quotation;一色: いっしょく (adj-na,n) one color; one article;一審: いっしん (n) first instance; first trial;一心: いっしん (adv,n) one mind; wholeheartedness; the whole heart;一心に: いっしんに (adv) with one mind;一新: いっしん (n) complete change; reform; restoration; remodeling; renewal;一身: いっしん (n) oneself; one's own interests; throughout the body;一人: ひとり (n) one person;一人一人: ひとりひとり (n-t) one by one; each; one at a time;一人っ子: ひとりっこ (n) an only child;一人で: ひとりで alone; by oneself; voluntarily; spontaneously; automatically;一人一人: ひとりひとり (n-t) one by one; each; one at a time;第一人者: だいいちにんしゃ (n) leading person;一人前: いちにんまえ (n) (1) adult; full manhood or womanhood; (2) one helping; one portion;一人息子: ひとりむすこ (n) an only son;一人物: いちじんぶつ (n) man of some importance; character;一人暮らし: ひとりぐらし (n) a single life; a solitary life; living alone;一人娘: ひとりむすめ (n) an only daughter;一寸: ちょっと (ateji) (adv,int) (1) (uk) just a minute; short time; just a little; (2) somewhat; easily; readily; rather;一世: いっせい (n) a lifetime; a generation; foreign immigrant; Japanese immigrant to USA;一生: いっしょう (n-adv,n-t) whole life; a lifetime; all through life; one existence; a generation; an age; the whole world; the era;一生懸命: いっしょうけんめい (adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard; with utmost effort; with all one's might;第一声: だいいっせい (n) first tone; first speech;一斉: いっせい (n-adv,n) simultaneous; all at once;一斉に: いっせいに (adv) simultaneously; all at once;一昔: ひとむかし (n) ages; long time; decade; the past ten years;一石: いっせき (n) one game (of go);一石二鳥: いっせきにちょう (exp,n) killing two birds with one stone;一切: いっさい (n-adv,n) all; everything; without exception; the whole; entirely; absolutely;一節: いっせつ (n) a verse (e.g. in the Bible); stanza; paragraph; passage; a joint; section; a tune; note; strain; measure;一千: いっせん (n) 1,000; one thousand;一戦: いっせん (n) battle; game; bout;一線: いっせん (n) line;第一線: だいいっせん (n) the front (of a battlefield); forefront;一層: いっそう (n-adv,n) much more; still more; all the more;一掃: いっそう (n) clean sweep;一足: いっそく (n-adv,n-t) pair (footwear);一足: ひとあし (n) step;一族: いちぞく (n) (1) family; relatives; dependents; (2) household;一打: いちだ (n) stroke; blow;一体: いったい (adv,n) (1) one object; one body; (2) what on earth?; really?; (3) generally;一対一: いったいいち (n) one-to-one;一帯: いったい (n) region; zone; whole place;一代: いちだい (n) generation; lifetime; age;一大: いちだい (n) one large ..;一旦: いったん (adv) once; for a moment; one morning; temporarily;一端: いっぱし (adv,n) like other people;一団: いちだん (n) body; group; party; gang; troupe;一段: いちだん (adv,n) (1) more; much more; still more; all the more; (2) part (of a talk);一段と: いちだんと (adv) greater; more; further; still more;一段落: いちだんらく (n) pause;一男: いちなん (n) boy; eldest son;一致: いっち (n,vs) (1) coincidence; agreement; union; match; (2) conformity; consistency; (3) cooperation;満場一致: まんじょういっち (n) unanimous;一着: いっちゃく (n-t) first arrival; first in race; suit of clothes;一丁: いっちょう (n-adv) (1) one block (city); (2) piece; an order;一直線: いっちょくせん (n) straight line;一通: いっつう (n) one copy (of a document);一通り: ひととおり (adj-no,n) ordinary; usual; in general; briefly;一定: いってい (adj-no,n,vs) fixed; settled; definite; uniform; regularized; defined; standardized; certain; prescribed;一点: いってん (n) speck; dot; point; only a little; particle; only one;一途: いちず (adj-na,n) wholeheartedly; earnestly;一度: いちど (n-adv) once; one time; on one occasion;一度に: いちどに (adv) all at once;一党: いっとう (n) party; clique;一等: いっとう (n) first-class; first-rank; A1; the most; the best;一同: いちどう (n) all present; all concerned; all of us;一堂: いちどう (n) one building (hall, temple, shrine, room);一二: いちに (n) the first and second; a few;一日: いちにち (n) (1) one day; (2) first of month;一日: ついたち (n) (1) first of month;一日中: いちにちじゅう (n) throughout the day;一任: いちにん (n,vs) entrusting;一年生: いちねんせい (n) (1) annual (plant); (2) first-year university or high-school student (esp. US); freshman;一年中: いちねんじゅう (n-adv,n-t) all year round;一派: いっぱ (n) school; sect; party;一敗: いっぱい (n) one defeat;一杯: いっぱい (adj-na,adv,n) (1) cup of ..; drink; (2) full; (3) to the utmost; up to (one's income); a lot of; much;精一杯: せいいっぱい (n-adv) with all one's might;力一杯: ちからいっぱい (adv) with might and main;腹一杯: はらいっぱい (adv,n) bellyful; full stomach; to one's heart's content;一倍: いちばい (n) one share; one amount;人一倍: ひといちばい (adv,n) more than others; redoubled; unusual;一泊: いっぱく (n) stopping one night;一発: いっぱつ (n-adv,n-t) (1) one shot; round; charge; (2) homerun (baseball);間一髪: かんいっぱつ (n) hair's breadth;一般: いっぱん (adj-no,n) general; liberal; universal; ordinary; average;一般に: いっぱんに (adv) in general;一般的: いっぱんてき (adj-na) popular; typical; general;一晩: ひとばん (n-adv,n-t) one evening; all night; overnight;一晩中: ひとばんじゅう all night long; all through the night;一番: いちばん (n-adv) (1) best; first; number one; (2) a game; a round; a bout; a fall; an event (in a meet);一番手: いちばんて first player; first worker;一番乗り: いちばんのり (n) leader of a charge; first to arrive;一票: いっぴょう a vote; ballot;一品: いっぴん (n) an item; article; dish; course;一部: いちぶ (n-adv,n) (1) one part; one portion; one section; some; (2) one copy, e.g. of a document;一部分: いちぶぶん (n) a part; a portion; a section;一風: いっぷう (n) eccentric;一分: いちぶ (n) one tenth; one hundredth; one percent; one tenth of a sun; one quarter ryou (an old coin);一文: いちもん (n) something insignificant; one mon (10th sen);一変: いっぺん (n,vs) complete change; about-face;一辺倒: いっぺんとう (n) complete devotion to one side;一遍: いっぺん (n-adv) once;一遍に: いっぺんに (adv) at one time;一歩: いっぽ (n-adv,n-t) a step;第一歩: だいいっぽ (n) first step;一方: いっぽう (conj,n-adv,n) (1) on the other hand; one side; one way; one direction; one party; the other party; (2) meanwhile; (3) only; simple; in turn;一方通行: いっぽうつうこう one-way traffic;一方的: いっぽうてき (adj-na) one-sided; unilateral; arbitrary;一本: いっぽん (n) (1) one long cylindrical thing; (2) one version; (3) a certain book; (4) a blow; (5) an experienced geisha;一枚: いちまい one thin flat object; one sheet;一枚岩: いちまいいわ (n) monolithic;一幕: ひとまく (n) one act;一抹: いちまつ (n) (1) a touch of; tinge of; (2) exhalation; wreath of smoke;一面: いちめん (adv,n) one side; one phase; front page; the other hand; the whole surface;一目: いちもく (n-adv,n-t) a glance; a look; a glimpse;一目: ひとめ (n-adv,n-t) a glance; a look; a glimpse;一問: いちもん (n) a question;一門: いちもん (n) the family; dependents; household; kin; clan;一夜: いちや (n-adv,n-t) one night; all night; overnight; one evening;一躍: いちやく (n-adv,n-t) (at) one bound;一喜一憂: いっきいちゆう (n) now rejoice, now worry; alternate hope and fear; mixed blessings; joys and sorrows;一様: いちよう (adj-na,n) uniformity; evenness; similarity; equality; impartiality;一翼: いちよく (n) a part;一覧: いちらん (n) at a glance; a look; a glance; a summary; (school) catalog;一覧表: いちらんひょう (n) list; table; schedule; catalogue;一里塚: いちりづか (n) milestone (1 ri apart);一律: いちりつ (adj-na,n-adv,n) evenness; uniformity; monotony; equality;一流: いちりゅう (n) first-class; top grade; school (of art); foremost; top-notch; unique;一両: いちりょう (n-adv) (1) one vehicle; (2) one ryou (an old coin);一塁: いちるい (n) first base; a fort;一例: いちれい (n) example; an instance;一連: いちれん (n) a series; a chain; a ream (of paper);

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